Melancholy Manga

PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka, Volume 001PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka, Volume 001 by Naoki Urasawa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another Manga, recommended by a friend. Definitely not what I expected. European setting, robots, a murder mystery, a bit of a superhero feel, a bit of crime noir. Interesting.

Act 1 : “Mont Blanc” (モンブラン)

A world were robots are part of everyday life, apparently mostly fulfilling service positions in society. A human is murdered and things unfold from there.

The first few panels are in colour and then we switch to black and white.


Act 2 : “Gesicht” (ゲジヒト)


We are exploring what an A.I. might experience, feel, dream… This is not bad.

Act 3 : “Brau 1589” (ブラウ1589)

Gesicht is a very likable character. And tragic—being a robot, but as an A.I. being so sad about the circumstances of his being.

We learn the meaning behind the name of this Manga! Interesting… ominous! Foreboding!

Nice build-up of suspense and tension. Well done.

Act 4 : “North No. 2 (Part 1)” (ノース2号前)

A future world. Robots have evolved. Humans… not so much.


Pretty tragic plot.

Act 5 : “North No. 2 (Part 2)” (ノース2号中)

Continuation of North‘s storyline in Scotland. I wonder where this is taking us and how it relates to the murder case and Gesicht?

Act 6 : “North No. 2 (Part 3)” (ノース2号後編)

Conclusion to the Norse/North #2 story. Now I know how this relates. Chapter 4 to 6 are another good piece of story telling.

Act 7 : “Brando” (ブランド)

The landscapes in the last three chapters looked a litte wishy-washy. Here we immediately come across some lovely detail…


Nice little story again, making robots appear human and more accessible. Followed by a little cliffhanger and a rather abrupt ending. Good post scriptum.

Bottom line, good story telling. Quiet introspection alternates with action and noise. Overall it made me feel melancholy.

Still pondering the artwork. It definitely has its moments. I am pretty sure I will continue this at some point.

View all my reviews

2 thoughts on “Melancholy Manga

  1. Thank you for linking me to this review! I love his artwork, especially the way he does city scapes, and what tall buildings look like to someone standing on the sidewalk.

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