Another sub-trilogy, back in the Bujavid…

Intruder (Foreigner, #13)
by C.J. Cherryh

The civil war among the atevi has ended. Tabini-aiji, powerful ruler of the Western Association, along with his wife, his son and heir Cajeiri, his human paidhi Bren Cameron, and his grandmother Ilisidi, have all returned to the Bujavid, their seat of power.
Bren and his associates have had a small war of their own, ending with rebel leader Machigi joining the atevi congress, representing the rebels as a member state. Factions that remain loyal to the opposition are still present, and the danger these rebels pose is far from over.
The crisis inside the immensely dangerous Assassins’ Guild is still brewing as well.
(Summary cobbled together from various book descriptions)

Intruder is the 13th Foreigner novel, and the 1st book in the fifth subtrilogy. Do yourself a favour and start at the beginning, with book 1.

There is no fighting in this one and no shots are fired. Politics and trade negotiations are the drivers in this novel. Conflicts and situations that came to a head in the last trilogy are brought to a conclusion here or picked up and brought center stage.

We get to see more of Tabini, which was a nice change. Cajeiri gets alternating chapters again with Bren. He is not thrilled about being back in the Bujavid and being stuck in an apartment, unable to venture and explore outside. Bren has to acertain where his loyalties lie after the upheaval with Machigi.

Good start to the next subtrilogy. Looking forward to fresh developments within Tabini‘s family, politics surrounding Machigi and the crisis in the Assassins guild.

4/5 🐒🐒🐒🐒

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