Top Ten Tuesday — I‘d rather be reading

“Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.“ Head over there to link your TTT, if you take part!

May 16: Things Getting in the Way of Reading (what’s taking up your time right now?) (lovingly stolen from A Cocoon of Books during freebie week)

  1. Memes like Top Ten Tuesday can take an amazing amount of time away from reading…
  2. I definitely spend quite a lot of time with my favourite group on Goodreads. Talking about books instead of reading them!
  3. Work, unfortunately I need to earn money to support my habit!
  4. Sometimes there is just not enough brainpower left for reading, so I watch TV. With all those streaming services there is almost always something too watch, even if it end up being Youtube!
  5. Housework is a necessary evil, I need clean clothes every now and then, my plants need watering, etc. Audiobooks to the recue!
  6. Grocery shopping and cooking. I need to eat… if I can, I will listen to an audiobook at the same time.
  7. Bread Baking! I grew my own sourdough during the first Covid19 lockdown early in 2020. Hermann (yes, he has a name) is alive and well. Actually, he is a Roger. Anyway, I lost my baking steam a little this year, so I made Hermann Roger a little more durable by crumbling him up and sticking him into the coldest corner of my fridge.
  8. Walkies… Every now and then I join a friend when she walks her dog.
  9. Spending time with friends and family. Real life is important and takes the front seat.
  10. Holidays! That usually means travelling with friends. Although I managed to get some reading squeezed in this time…

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday — I‘d rather be reading

  1. Lots of these are really fun reasons! I probably should have included work and housework on my list as well, but I only wanted to focus on the fun things. One positive about vacations and reading is that there’s often a bunch of travel time which can be turned into reading time. 🙂

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